We are all volunteers and on-call 24/7, 365 days a year

We rely on the generous donations from various corporations and individuals to cover essential annual operating expenses. Team members are not compensated in anyway and typically spend $2500 of their own money the first year on the team and $500-$1000 each year after. Ventura County Sheriff’s Office covers expenses only for facilities and vehicle maintenance.

The Team is incorporated as a 501(c)(3). non-profit organization so we may accept tax-deductible donations. We also sell shirts and other items to help raise money. Download our Team Information Sheet.

Make a tax deductible donation today!

XN076 - Ventura County Sheriff Search & Rescue Team #3

XN076 - Ventura County Sheriff Search & Rescue Team #3

Donate online through any of our partners above, or make a check payable to VCSAR, Inc.

Mail to: Ventura County Sheriff's Office, Attn: Search and Rescue, 2101 E. Olsen Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91360